The Navigate with Confidence podcast features conversations with our clients and other thought leaders to discuss how insights and data are being used to illuminate, validate, and navigate their unique paths to growth and success.

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Episode 02: Keeping up with the evolving B2B buyer

Greg Kihlstrom, best-selling author of House of the Customer, and Cheryl Dickison, SVP of Sales and Client Success at Phronesis, discuss how the evolving preferences and behaviors of the B2B buyer are challenging every marketer to rethink their approach.

Episode 01: Driving business performance with warehouse automation

Vanessa Baille, APAC Regional Marketing Manager at FM Logistic, joins Elaine Pratt, CMO at Phronesis Partners, to discuss the balance between innovation and investment, the challenges of adopting new tech, and what the future holds for warehouses around the world.



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